Jennifer Young -
Executive Director -
Organization Name
RED Arena -
Number of Years as Executive Director
What does your organization do?
We serve individuals with disabilities and their families through a variety of equine related therapies, activities, educational & vocational programs and promote inclusion with our horse camps and horse shows. -
How did you become interested in this work?
As a peidatriac physical therapist I loved seeing how empowered my patients were when they were riding a horse. It not only addressed my PT goals for strength, balance, coordination--it was a natural support for building social communication, confidence, and self-esteem. It helped me set the whole developing child up for success and they LOVED doing it, so it made my job easier. -
What drives your passion?
I want to do everything I can to help every child with disabilities be enriched, empowered and successful. -
Do you have a mentor or a role model?
Our founding board president ran a mulit-million dollar non-profit for 30 years, so she has been instrumental in guiding me step by step through the nonprofit world. -
What's the biggest challenge in your work?
I work too many hours because we don't have enough budget to bring on more support staff to alleviate some of my responsibilities. -
What's the best advice that you have ever received?
Less is more! -
What are your top tips for new Executive Directors?
1. Find a mentor.
2. Keep your board small.
3. Make time to make personal connections for outreach. It's all about who you know!