Kelley Worden -
Executive Director -
Organization Name
Art from the Streets -
Number of Years as Executive Director
2 years
What does your organization do?
Through its 24 year history, Art From the Streets has helped hundreds of homeless individuals improve their circumstances - literally and figuratively - by providing them the means to make art. We believe that anyone can make art, and that making art is good for everyone. Art From the Streets' volunteers hold three times a week open studio sessions where people who are homeless or formerly homeless can come to paint, draw and create. Then we help them sell what they've made - primarily by producing an annual show and sale of the resulting work, with proceeds of sales going to the artists. -
How did you become interested in this work?
I started volunteering with the program in the open studio classroom and fell in love with the artists. Their openness and compassion for art, others and me no matter their place in life was overwhelming. -
What drives your passion?
I am driven to help add some sort of normalcy, beauty, community with these artists. Reaching out of my comfort zone and making a difference. All of us have one commonality which is art which brings us all together. Our organization is driven to give them a safe place to work, create and be. -
Do you have a mentor or a role model?
Many people inspire me….Volunteers and artists in our program inspire me! Martin Luther King, Georgia O'Keefe, my mother, husband and kids plus I have an amazing girlfriends! They all have struggles they work through every day and inspire me to be better. -
What's the biggest challenge in your work?
Trying to define the "have to's" versus the "want to's" So many many things I want to do for our program and artists and don't want to be consumed by all the have to's! -
What's the best advice that you have ever received?
There are never rules, there are only guidelines. -
What are your top tips for new Executive Directors?
1. Create boundaries! Time for work and time for yourself and family!
2. Some days are not so fun but every other moment is outstanding!
3. Make sure the mission of the organization fits with your mission personally!