The Transit Empowerment Fund (formerly the Basic Transportation Needs Fund) Board is now accepting applications for the purchase of deeply discounted Capital Metro transit passes, including regular and reduced-fare local bus passes, premium passes, commuter passes, and MetroAccess 10-ride booklets. Any 501(c)3 organization, 501(c)9 organization or governmental entity is eligible to apply.
All passes must be used by individuals who are at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, are transit dependent, and reside within the Capital Metro service area. For some passes, verification of Capital Metro eligibility certification is required. The primary purpose of the passes must be to access employment, education, healthcare, or social services. Participating agencies are required to report on distribution monthly.
A limited number of no-cost passes will be available. For no-cost passes to be awarded, a compelling case must be made as to the critical need for the passes and the reasons that the organization cannot purchase the passes at the deeply discounted rate. A maximum of 30% of the overall request can be made for no-cost passes.
The Board does not anticipate another solicitation for bus pass applications until early 2017, so organizations should consider that when making their application.
The deadline to apply is 5:00pm Friday, January 29, 2016.

Optional Bidders Conference
- When: Monday, January 11, 3:00-4:00pm
- Where: Meals on Wheels Board Room, 3227 East 5th, Austin, 78702