Help Us Spread the Word! Announcing the Tale of Two Austins Behavioral Health Campaign Launch

Help Us Spread the Word! Announcing the Tale of Two Austins Behavioral Health Campaign Launch

taleof2austinsWebsiteWe are so excited to announce the launch of the second installment of our Tale of Two Austins campaign, this time focusing on the behavioral health disparities in our community. Please participate and help us spread the word!

Here is how you can participate in the social media campaign:

1. LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter

2. SHARE our first Facebook post and retweet on your pages and personal accounts

3. USE the sample messages in the Social Media Outreach Guide on the targeted dates (we will send reminders) and always TAG our accounts. Feel free to ADD your own call to action, photo, story, or blurb that relates to your organization, but please use the hashtag #2Austins and link back to our accounts.

4. When you see a Tale of Two Austins post or email from One Voice, please SHARE it

5. INFORM and ENGAGE your staff, board members, and volunteers in the campaign by encouraging them to post and share the campaign through their personal networks. A few ideas for ways you can engage your constituents:

  • Send an email to your listserve with a brief campaign overview and the links to like One Voice on Facebook and follow One Voice on Twitter. Include our Social Media 101 Guide for individuals with less experience using Facebook and Twitter, which will teach them how they can post and tweet messages for the campaign.
  • Talk about the campaign at your next staff meeting and explain to your employees how your agency is involved. Encourage everyone to get out their phones and go on Twitter and Facebook to like and follow One Voice right then during the meeting.
  • Post the Tale of Two Austins infographic on your website and in a common area at your workplace.

6. COPY any media inquiries for your team to


to ensure all correct messaging is captured.

Click here to download a folder of the Tale of Two Austin infographics to use as a resource and share.